1st Angel workshop
After the first two years of Angel, we have organised a workshop coinciding with WEFTA (West European Fish Technologists Association) meeting in Split, catching the opportunity to disseminate our results to broader public. On this occasion, one of the guest speakers was dr. Concetta Maria Messina from Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology, University of Palermo, Italy. She presented the very first research on the acute effect of Anisakis secretory and excretory products on human fibroblast cell line, recently published in Parasites & Vectors.

Angel at the 10th European researchers' night!
"Glittering secrets from the black box - how to notice a nematode!" was the title under which our PhD students Ivana and Jerko, helped by a master student Antonela, have explaned to the curious crowd in Split that the awareness about Aniakis is a major step towards prevention of the disease in man.

Angel in Valencia!
Our PhD students Ivana Bušelić and Jerko Hrabar have presented results from the 1st year of Angel at the 9th International Symposim of Fish Parasites. They have attracted subtantial attention and have distributed all their handouts of the poster and Angel flyers. You can download pdf of their posters here:

Please help us by filling the questionnaire!
This questionnaire has been developed within the PARASITE project in order to assess the exposure to Anisakis in four countries involved in the project, with different fish consumption habits. This is a study of considerable importance if we are to increase our knowledge of the quality and safety of the fish products. Your replies will be treated as completely confidential and are anonymous. Please proceed if you are currently living in the United Kingdom, Spain, Croatia or Denmark and you are aged 18 or over. Please choose your language in the menu or by clicking in the corresponding flag.

January, 2015
In its first issue in 2015, prestigious scientific journal International Journal for Parasitology (IF 3.404, 7/37 in Parasitology; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00207519) has published an article from master thesis of Kristina Blažeković (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020751914002641), coauthored by Ivana Lepen Pleić, Martina Đuras, Tomislav Gomerčićem and Ivona Mladineo, and has chosen one of the article's figures for its cover.

10th December, 2014
The first AnGEL meeting held at IOR